diana cam van nguyen
diana is a 2nd generation vietnamese living in czech republic and she says her roots have mostly just affected her in being shorter, yet growing up in two different cultures at the same time made her into one of the biggest filmmakers around.
she detests ethnic prejudices. true, she loves pho, she’s good at math and loves karaoke, but that’s because she loves good food, she’s smart and knows how to have fun. contrary to the popular stereotype, she can also drink, doesn’t speak loudly when on the phone and she hates to be labeled as ‘humble’ and ‘overly polite’.
clichés aside – to truly get to know diana, it’s best to watch her movies. she draws from her own experiences and those of her close ones, transforming them into universally appealing stories about identity, relationships and lives of young people.
- love, dad "trailer"
- rats
- apart
- love, dad "excerpt 1"
- love, dad "excerpt 2"
- neklid "radio wave podcast series"